In the cheap web hosting market, there is a thin red line between cheap but good hosting and junk hosting. Here I present the best at low prices. And indeed, there are good hosting services and domains, at almost ridiculous prices. Click here to get more info about: cheap domain and hosting cheap web hosting That is, to get cheap and good quality web hosting, you have to know how to choose well, especially if we are talking about a hosting for a PHP application that uses a MySQL database such as WordPress, Joomla, Prestashop, Magento and the like. If you do it badly, or you will be overpaying for a bad service that does not deserve your money, or you will end up with a service of such poor quality that shortly after having some traffic you will complicate your life with falls, slowness and other problems one day yes and another too. I have been working with many hosting for more than a decade, so I propose two options: If you want to get...